I am on a journey of understanding. It's a
quest for knowledge of sorts. I wanted to know who I was and where I
came from beyond the ships of slavery. I had so many questions for so
long as to why black people were enslaved and why we are so despised
among all other nations, even still today we endure captivity like no
other at the hands of our so called justice system. Why?
What went wrong somewhere?
This was something I long pondered and pained
over, until it occurred to me that if you want answers and you want to
understand something this world is not going to give it to you in a
classroom. Something told me to pray about it and ask God for
understanding. Well I did ask Him and it worked. I began reading more,
listening more, and paying attention more. So much knowledge began to be
thrown at me that it’s almost more than one can process. Once the Lord
allowed me to see who I really was and who my people truly are according
to the Bible I knew there was no turning back. Frankly I haven't shut up about it since the day the candle of my consciousness was lit. Now, no more lights out. I make no claims to be a
preacher or a saint. I am merely a person on a journey and I find it
impossible to do nothing when you feel called to attain
a higher level of learning and understanding.
I am only just beginning to come into understanding who the true Israelites the Bible speaks of actually are within the past year. Why am I writing this? Why do I care about this? It’s simple I love my people. I love our Lord and savior and I wholeheartedly believe knowing the truth about ourselves will set us free. I must play my role in whatever I can do to help wake us up. We have been asleep too long, but now it’s time to rise up. This is not about feeling superior over others it’s about knowing who God created you to be and the importance of fulfilling his desires of us as his chosen people. Knowing your history and knowing that you were meant for greatness makes a difference in how we conduct ourselves and how we view ourselves. I’m not writing to argue with anyone, nor do I care whether or not people (outside) of the ones I’m trying to reach like it or disagree. Everyone will not always agree or understand. I am strictly here to bring my people along on my journey of discovery as I read, listen, and learn more about the true 12 tribes of Israel and its children which include the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Levi, Simeon, Zebulon, Ephraim, Manasseh, Gad, Reuben, Naphtali, Asher, and Issachar.
I’d also like to point out that many of the Israelite groups (I’m not a member of any particular group or sect of Israelites) do state that they can identify who is from what tribe. I halfheartedly understand how this is possible; however I think I still need to delve deeper to fully understand it in order to be able to explain it to anyone else because if I don’t understand something fully then I won't pretend to. Here is a table which some Israelite sects use to show which groups of people belong to which tribes, just food for thought. Note that not all Israelites agree that you can identify which people belong to which tribe based on the nature of the participants of the slave trade's infamy for dividing families.
Come on a journey with me as I study, learn, and grow. This blog will encompass the insight gained, obstacles, questions, and other topics in between as it concerns my people. ~ Escaping Egypt
Very eloquently written and thank you for sharing your thoughts... I too have found myself praying for understanding, and have been reading the bible more!!! Cant wait for your next one!!! Please keep them coming!!! -YourFriend!!!